Monday, January 17, 2011

Overscheduled. But Happy.

Well. Given the amount of time since I last posted, it's apparent that not only have we been COMPLETELY non-stop go, but also that I can procrastinate like no other. I hope everyone had an awesome holiday season and has started the New Year off on the right foot.


We were able to spend Christmas with most of the family, but were a bit sad not to see my sisters' families or my Dad and his wife. Thankfully, we hope to have plenty of visiting opportunities coming up in Jan/Feb as both Tessa and my niece Grace's birthdays are fast approaching!

Yeah, that's right - my BABY is going to be 2.

This little baby right here.

And we are going to party hard babe! All her besties are comin' - like Nana, Kyle, Aunties, Sissy ;) and all the little turkeys too! We can't wait. I, mostly cannot wait for her to don this little number!


I have been feeling the need to fill 2011 with some Julie things, not to say that the Mommy things aren't wonderful and enriching, but Julie is coming out on fire in 2011. For real. I started with new hair on New Year's eve and it felt great. Now I'm kicking this muffin top all the way back to the bakery and you'd better believe I will ROCK my wedding dress by September. Hell, I might even rock a bikini by June. Yep, it's happening folks.

What else? My Big (not literally) Baby started Dance class last week and boy, can she make a leotard look AWESOME!


She is loving it so far, and talking about her little friends non-stop. She still says that Sullivan is her best friend any time you ask her, even though they haven't seen each other since September and the feeling might not be reciprocated. We'll have to watch out for this generation of Kissin' Cousins I suppose. Good thing my sister can tell us all the signs to watch for - right Erin?


I'm just getting into the thick of Winterguard stuff too so we have been back and forth and forth and back and forth again pretty much since mid-November and there really won't be an end in sight until March. But I love it, I love my ladies, and the girls love all the Nana visits. It'll probably be the last year I can participate since I see big things on the girls Social Horizon, so I'm going to live it up.

Anyway, between all the here and there, we are still trying our best to keep up with the normal, low-key moments of watching a movie together and doing Valentine's crafts (yeah - I'm that Wal-Mart mom that starts with Valentine's on January 2nd and St. Patrick's Day on February 15th and so on) and dress-up Tea Parties.


Oh - and we're still trying to mesh with our new, lunatic, puppy. Fingers crossed it happens soon. We like him when he sleeps. :)


I'm not big on resolutions, but I am going to commit myself to one blog post per month, minimum - because I can make that happen and it feels good to write it all down. Oh and one more cute little note that's mostly just for me so I never forget it, is how Tessa is saying Swiper - "Fwiper no fwiping!". It's seriously presh and so is her ponytail.


Happy Week of Tessa's Party and whatever else you have going on!

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